Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pretty Girly

After looking on, I was introduced to a new

It is an amazing site that allows you to pick through thousands of items to make the perfect outfit! I made one and really love it! I tried to choose items I could realistically afford (if I really saved)

I love soft elements which is why I chose pieces with a lot of texture. The light colors work delicately together to create an antique motif, carried on by the metal details in the necklace and clutch. Quite honestly, I could do without the shoes. I love the color but would rather have something with a platform and perhaps a side button detail.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


photo by: me- brighton, england

waiting for something


a feeling. a connection. a response. a beginning. an end.


that will make me feel different. something that will feel new and


never redundant or predictable.
i feel like i'll never know whats


sometimes I feel like i'm stuck on a merry-go-round.
my emotions doomed to keep spinning


when it stops, i'll be dizzy. I can never be certain where life will take


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bright Future?

I am ready for these lights, though I'm not sure what they mean. I am drawn to them with delight but are they really what they seem?
On one hand they are my future, luminous and bright. On the other they are deceiving, shadowing dangers of the night.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Goodwill Hunting- Part 2

What a pleasant surprise it was to be taken to a Goodwill I did not know existed. So it seems the Goodwill gene runs in the family.
In other words, I got it from my momma.
I was greeted at the Chesterfield Goodwill by Dior trench....oh hello! Would not be worth the trip if the treasure was not buried somewhere. Finding Dior was too easy, and too big (size wise) actually. So, I left him for some vintage sweaters.
My mom asks, "how can you spot the good stuff". "I am a seasoned professional", I say. Not really, I just said, "umm, look for something cool and if it says something I recognize, I put it back." Unless it is one of my designer friends. Then, I invite them into my cart.
With these bargain shopper habits, I hope to support the little guy for a while. By that I mean my is so very small.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Recycled WRapper

filled with a lot of learning.
most days are.
this day i enjoyed my experiences.

1. opening is better than closing.
2. be a bitch to a bitch= free lip gloss...?
3. tapas means a lot of things.
4. i am a mini sushi rollin machine
5. sushi is an awesome, edible art
6. banzai is amazing. look it up. purchase it. you will love it.
7. Newspaper= great wrapping a whole new meaning to recycled WRapper

Meaning of today's experiences:
*1. in retail, during holiday, in the cold, put me at the mall as early as you want. i get a parking spot. i get there long before the crazies. i get to leave just when things get hectic. retail worker's perfection.
*2. every experience i have had at a fragrance counter has been interesting, to say....the very least. i am definitely a daisy girl. daisy girl lover/ fragrance sales lady rubbed her nose across my saturated wrist and told me so. DKNY be delicious lady was curious. she prompted a sale with lots of free stuff but only gave up some. then she was not nice. then i became not nice. then i got free lip gloss. if that didn't make sense. i am aware. if it did. tell me what it means.
*3. tapas and sushi party became more like every kind of cheese and some sushi party. which is cool. my hips will be more insulated all winter now.
*4. my sushi comes in huge, monster roll and teeny baby. i became so amused with creating itty bitty sushi rolls and began to wonder if there is a world record for smallest?
*5. it became such an amusement that i began disecting the little baby rolls and reconstructing them into interesting to come soon. way more interested in making than eating.
*6. as far as i am concerned, bansai is the coolest game i have ever seen/played. that could keep a whole room attentive and interactive for hours. and of course it was turned into a drinking game.
*7. Its all about being different(+/-). if you get a gift from me for xmas, it will be wrapped in the st.louis post dispatch. even made newspaper bows and ribbon...proud moment right there. just call me the recycled WRapper.

long day. felt like a whole weekend. it was awesome.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Goodwill Hunting

I love goodwill.

I actually think that I have lost complete interest in the mall or any organized shopping experience. I love the rush of finding those buried treasures among heaping piles of potential Halloween costumes.
If you know me at'd know I am pretty cheap these days. This does not mean I do not appreciate the finer things, I just can't realistically afford to purchase them myself. Yet!
I did run across an Oscar de la Renta blouse at GW...and subtly yelled, "NO WAY!"
It has become quite evident that I was born in the wrong decade as everything I tend to bring home reminds my mom of what my grandma used to wear. What a compliment!